Common Pleas Court House
Common Pleas Court I
County official as Common Pleas Court Judge that has jurisdiction over adult criminal felony cases, civil actions, Domestic Relations courts, and adult Probation agencies.
Common Pleas Court II
County official as Common Pleas Court Judge that has jurisdiction over adult criminal felony cases, civil actions, Domestic Relations courts, and adult Probation agencies.
Domestic Relations Court
Court that has jurisdiction over cases involving divorce or marriage dissolution, annulments, legal separations, spousal support, and allocation of parental rights and responsibilities.
Juvenile Court
County official as Juvenile Court Judge that has jurisdiction over all cases involving juveniles. Jurisdiction includes child abuse and cases of non-support, paternity, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
330-287-5561 (Probate and Juvenile Court Website Click Here)
Juvenile Probation
Juvenile probation authority for all juvenile cases, under the Juvenile Court Judge.
Probate Court
County official as Probate Court Judge that supervises the probate of wills and administration of estates and guardianships. Probate court also has jurisdiction over marriage licenses, adoptions, and determination of competency and eminent domain proceedings.
Adult Probation, Common Pleas
Adult criminal probation authority for felony cases and civil actions.
Clerk of Courts, Common Pleas
County official that has primary responsibility for accurate records of all proceedings in county Common Pleas Court. The Clerk of Courts also collects fines and court costs, automobile sales tax, and issues passports.
Law Library
Resource that provides legal information to Judges, attorneys, and to the public.
330-287-7721 (Law Library Website Click Here)