Answer questions
Provide education on housing rights
Help assist residents or prospective residents in filing fair housing complaints.
Fair housing is the unlawful discrimination of persons or families based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, ancestry, or military status.
Familial status includes non-discrimination of households with children. With regard to disabilities, landlords are generally required to provide reasonable accommodations to assist persons with disabilities.
Potential fair housing complaints are informed of fair housing rights and remedies and appropriate resources. Other callers (landlord/tenant or inquiries) are referred to the appropriate authorities. Please support your neighbors and support your County. If you know someone with housing concerns or questions, please refer them to the Wayne County Fair Housing Program for assistance.
On occasion, a tenant will report that a landlord is not fulfilling a lease obligation. When specific legal questions arise, such as questions about a lease or a civil dispute, Wayne County’s Fair Housing Program will recommend that individuals speak with an attorney. Wayne County Fair Housing Program is not able to provide legal advice.
The Program also recommends that tenants and landlords alike review Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5321, which governs Landlord-Tenant law, as remedies are afforded to tenants when landlords act unlawfully, and vice versa.
For those needing legal assistance and unable to afford an attorney, Community Legal Aid, an Ohio non-profit law firm, may be able to assist low-income individuals and families with their civil needs throughout Wayne and surrounding counties.
The Wayne County Fair Housing Program is available during normal business hours to answer questions about Fair Housing and also Landlord-Tenant issues for Wayne County residents. Please contact Community Action Wayne/Medina at (330) 621-8038.
We will document your complaint and provide you with resources that may be able to assist you. We will help you to get to the right place.
The Wayne County Fair Housing Board is dedicated to ensuring the right to equal housing opportunities for the community. Complaints are analyzed annually to identify impediments to fair housing. The Wayne County Fair Housing Office, part of the Wayne County Planning Department, is also available at:
Wayne County Planning Department
428 West Liberty Street
Wooster, Ohio 44691
(330) 287-5420