by | Oct 19, 2023

WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Oct. 19, 2023 —Triway is participating in the 2023 National Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest and would love for Purple Pride to go red for a night.


Please join us for a community photo opportunity to promote Red Ribbon Week with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, NorthEast Ohio Pyrotechnic Group (NEOPG), Bogner Construction Company, Wayne County Communications, Wayne County Coroner Office, Wayne County Safe Communities, Medway Drug Enforcement Agency, Wooster Twp. Fire & Rescue, Clinton Twp. Fire & Rescue, Shreve Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol – Wooster Post, Ohio State University Police, and Triway High School Soda Club.


Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a drug-free life. It presents an opportunity for parents, educators, and communities to reinforce the drug-free messages they share with their children throughout the year. This year, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Department of Justice are having a national contest for a K-12 school to win $1,000 and an iPad for drug awareness education.


Please vote November 2 through November 16 at for Triway’s school photo. The school with the most votes wins!


The photo will be taken as fireworks begin at 6:30 p.m. in Parking Lot A (Parking lot closest to SR 226) at Triway High School on Monday, October 23.  Please arrive between 6:00-6:15 using the rear school entrance, park in Parking Lot B and C, and walk to A.


We hope to see you there!


Deputy Kauffman, Triway SRO
Today is February 17, 2025