by Dan Starcher | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog, Uncategorized
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jun. 17, 2022 — The Wayne County Commissioners announced today that they are declaring a state of emergency in response to damage sustained by a series of intense storms that passed through the area this week. County officials are working with state and local public and private organizations and officials attempting to provide relief and assistance.
Commissioners express appreciation toward those people and organizations that are stepping forward to help with the clean-up effort, but most importantly, ensuring the safety of their fellow citizens.
United Way’s WHIRE (Wayne Holmes Information Referral Exchange) is helping answer questions about where those impacted can receive aid. Their number is (330) 263-6363. United Way has established a local relief fund where people can donate; the link is
The Wayne County Commissioners are fully engaged with the State of Ohio to ensure all available resources are obtained and distributed in a timely manner.
Wayne County Commissioners,
Ron Amstutz – President | Becky Foster | Sue Smail
by Dan Starcher | Aug 25, 2020 | Blog
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Aug. 2020 — Wayne County looks to be one of the driest in Ohio, view the drought report HERE.
Posted by Dan Starcher, public communications specialist for the Wayne County government.
by Dan Starcher | Mar 16, 2020 | Blog
WAYNE COUNTY, Ohio, March 16, 2020 — ALL polling locations will be OPEN on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 from 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. even if the facility is closed for normal business that day.
Three locations have been relocated. They are as follows:
Election Officials working at polling locations have been instructed and will be taking safety precautions regarding sanitizing surfaces and washing their hands.
Voters are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and/or wash their hands, use their knuckles for making selections on the voting machines, and practice social distancing while in attendance at the polling location.
Special curbside voting will be offered at each polling location. Please ask someone going into the location to ask an Election Official to come out to you to be assisted OR contact our office at 330-287-5480 asking us to contact the specific polling location for you.
Please be patient! We had many regular poll workers call off because of health reasons. We are very fortunate to have many people who have volunteered to work the polls within just the past few days. The Election Officials at each polling place are dedicated and will strive to do their best to assist voters on Election Day.
Please thank your Election Officials for their service under very extraordinary circumstances!
Posted by Dan Starcher, public communications specialist for the Wayne County government.
by Dan Starcher | Jan 9, 2020 | Blog
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jan. 2020 — Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District is accepting orders for the annual fish sale. Fish orders will be taken until Wed., Apr. 8. Pickup is Tues., Apr. 14 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. at the Wayne Co. Fairgrounds. Orders must be picked up at the specified time. At pickup, a container lined with new plastic and filled with five to 10 gallons of your own pond water per 100 fish. The White Amur and Japanese Koi must be placed in a container with a lid or a liner large enough to be tied at the top. Only two Amur/Koi to every five gallons of water. For questions, contact the SWCD office at 330-263-5376. Send orders to Wayne SWCD, 428 W. Liberty St., Wooster, OH 44691. Download the order form HERE.
By Dan Starcher, public communications specialist for the Wayne County Government.
by Dan Starcher | Oct 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Sep. 2019 — If you want to strike up a conversation with your elected officials during the Wayne County Fair, here are some current projects being worked on.
— Justice System (including jail renovation, alternative corrections, and juvenile detention alternatives)
— Drug Takeback
— Household Hazardous Material Pickup
— County Comprehensive Plan Vision
Feel free to ask questions or share your opinion. Download a .pdf version of these topics HERE.
By Dan Starcher, public communications specialist for the Wayne County government.