OSHP Announces Regional Twitter Accounts

OSHP Announces Regional Twitter Accounts

COLUMBUS, OH, Apr. 21, 2020 — To better inform Ohio’s residents of public safety messages and events, the Ohio State Highway Patrol has begun using regional Twitter accounts. The regional accounts are designed to provide localized information for area residents and members of the media.

The information may include traffic crashes, major road closures, public outreach, traffic safety information, and more. The regional accounts are in addition to the Patrol’s main Twitter page which will continue to operate as normal.

The regional Twitter accounts can be found at: 






The regional accounts will be operated by the Patrol’s regional public information officers.

A map detailing which area you will want to follow can be found by logging onto https://statepatrol.ohio.gov/links/OSHP_TwitterRegions_NoBorder.jpg.


Posted by Dan Starcher, Public Communications Specialist for the Wayne County government.