Corrections Board Meeting Invitation
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jan. 24, 2022 — The Wayne County Community Corrections Board would like to invite you to join us for the presentation of the Wayne County Community Corrections Strategic Plan community session scheduled as follows:
DATE: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
TIME: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Church Grace, 4599 Burbank Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691
(Northwest side – Free Parking)
Masks and sanitizer will be provided to use, as desired. This event is sponsored by the Wayne County Community Corrections Board and is open to all community members. The Strategic Plan identifies long-term strategic goals and objectives designed to improve the Wayne County criminal justice system and create a safer community. Prior to this community session, Leadership Group members and two consultants met monthly for the past year to develop the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was presented and approved by the Wayne County Community Correction Board on December 6, 2021.
Please register as soon as possible, by emailing Capt. Jammie Richards, jrichards@wcsohio.org.
When responding please include the following: First and last name, email address, phone number, and Agency, if you are with an agency.
If you have questions, please direct those to Capt. Richards as, well. We hope you will be able to join us at this event. Your attendance will help to make this a successful effort. Also, if there is anyone you know who you think would want to be involved with this, please pass this information along to them.
Leadership Group Members
Jammie Richards, Sheriff’s Office
Elsie Day, Consultant
Eric Jefferis, Kent State University
Ron Amstutz, County Commissioners
Timothy Vansickle, Municipal Court Judge
Judy Wood, Mental Health and Recovery Board
Jessica Orr, Mental Health and Recovery Board
Michelle Kelly, Anazao
Piper Davidson, One-Eighty
Cheryl Thomas, One-Eighty
Diane Derue, Counseling Center
Cheryl Gerwig, Common Pleas Probation
Cindy Kuhl, Common Pleas Probation
Dan Lutz, Prosecutor’s Office
Rodney Baca, Public Defender’s Office
Matthew Birkbeck, Orrville Police DepartmentKevan Franklin Faith Community
Susan Figge, Behind Bars and Beyond
Tyler Reber, Community Member