WHIRE Service Standing By

WHIRE Service Standing By

WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jun. 21, 2022To report loss or damage from the recent storms, it is requested that Wayne County Residents contact the United Way’s WHIRE (Wayne Holmes Information Referral Exchange) at (330)263-6363. Please do not call the Wayne County Emergency Management Office (EMA).

Due to scams, please be cautious about anyone offering tree removal services or other services related to the storm damage that you have not contacted.

State of Emergency Declared

State of Emergency Declared

WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jun. 17, 2022 — The Wayne County Commissioners announced today that they are declaring a state of emergency in response to damage sustained by a series of intense storms that passed through the area this week. County officials are working with state and local public and private organizations and officials attempting to provide relief and assistance.

Commissioners express appreciation toward those people and organizations that are stepping forward to help with the clean-up effort, but most importantly, ensuring the safety of their fellow citizens.

United Way’s WHIRE (Wayne Holmes Information Referral Exchange) is helping answer questions about where those impacted can receive aid. Their number is (330) 263-6363. United Way has established a local relief fund where people can donate; the link is https://secure.givelively.org/donate/united-way-of-wayne-and-holmes-counties-inc/united-through-disasters.

The Wayne County Commissioners are fully engaged with the State of Ohio to ensure all available resources are obtained and distributed in a timely manner.


Wayne County Commissioners,

Ron Amstutz – President | Becky Foster | Sue Smail