Wayne SWCD Annual Fish Sale
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, Jan. 2020 — Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District is accepting orders for the annual fish sale. Fish orders will be taken until Wed., Apr. 8. Pickup is Tues., Apr. 14 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. at the Wayne Co. Fairgrounds. Orders must be picked up at the specified time. At pickup, a container lined with new plastic and filled with five to 10 gallons of your own pond water per 100 fish. The White Amur and Japanese Koi must be placed in a container with a lid or a liner large enough to be tied at the top. Only two Amur/Koi to every five gallons of water. For questions, contact the SWCD office at 330-263-5376. Send orders to Wayne SWCD, 428 W. Liberty St., Wooster, OH 44691. Download the order form HERE.
By Dan Starcher, public communications specialist for the Wayne County Government.