14 Ways to Create Less Waste
WAYNE COUNTY, OH, May 10, 2021 — Summer is near and COVID-19 restrictions are loosening up. This signals that a return to normalcy could be near. One of the things many people have missed over the past year is family gatherings. As people start getting together and celebrating special occasions, remember to take the opportunity to dispose of waste products properly and recycle as many items as you can.
Here are 14 ways to help reduce the amount of waste going to landfills:
1. When going on a picnic, pack your regular cutlery instead of taking plastic.
2. Invest in a set of cloth napkins.
3. Visit your local thrift shop (or look on Craigslist) before buying any picnic, beach, or camping gear.
4. Serve finger food that doesn’t require extra plates and utensils at parties.
5. If you’re heading on a road trip, picnic, or to the beach, bring an empty jar along with you for food scraps.
6. Pack food in beeswax wraps or reusable zip-lock bags instead of plastic wrap.
7. Use milk and cooled green tea bags to help heal sunburn before deciding whether or not you really need a store-bought remedy.
8. Try making your own natural mosquito repellent before buying one that’s likely packaged in a plastic bottle or aerosol can.
9. When camping, pack Castile soap to wash your body, pets, vegetables, clothes, and dishes.
10. Try to repair camping and beach gear before replacing it.
11. If you shave in the summer, try replacing your plastic razor with a safety razor.
12. Avoid takeaway food that’s served in styrofoam packaging.
13. If you’re traveling overseas during the summer, learn to say a few key eco-friendly phrases in the language.
14. And challenge yourself to go three months without using a plastic straw or single-use water bottle.