Planning Commission
Important Links |
Comprehensive Planning Documents
2019 Comprehensive Planning Document “Wayne Onward”
Technical Review Committee
The first step for submission to the Planning Commission is review by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). The TRC is a one stop shop for subdivision review, consisting of: Wayne County Planning Department, Wayne County Health Department, Soil & Water Conservation District, Wayne County Building Codes Department, Wayne County Engineer and the Map Office.
► TRC Application (New!) ► Technical Review 2023 Meeting Schedule
► Minor Subdivision Application process
Rural Enterprise Zone
The Planning Department works with the Rural Enterprise Zone program for the unincorporated areas and the villages in the County. Compliance with the tax incentive agreements is reviewed annually. A list of current Wayne County tax incentive agreements is available at the State of Ohio web site. Questions about the program and the county policies should be directed to the Wayne Economic Development Council, 330-264-2411.
► State Rural Enterprise Zone List for Wayne County
► Ohio Enterprise Zone Program Information
Farmland Preservation
Wayne County is blessed with some of the best farmland in the world. Our farmland provides a host of environmental benefits and is the factory floor for the local economy. As part of our committment to the Agricultural Community, Wayne County is pleased to offer the following programs:
Ag Security Areas (ASAs)
Landowner(s) with at least 500 contiguous areas of unincorporated farmland can opt into ASA for 10 years. ASA’s are voluntary; locally controlled; incentive-based, and respect private property rights.
ASA’s provide certain benefits to farmers, including protecting against non-farm development, assembling a critical mass of land to help keep farming viable, and can provide tax exemptions for new investments in structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
To begin the process, Watch this Video, download the ASA Fact Sheet, and begin to reach out to neighboring farms. Our Farmland Preservation Specialist will assist you with the application process.
For more information:
- State of Ohio ASA Application
- Wayne County Policy and Procedures
- ODA Program Information
- ASA Tax Benefits
- Tax Exemption Application
Clean Ohio Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (LAEPP)
Wayne County is a local sponsor for the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Clean Ohio Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (LAEPP). LAEPP provides funding to farmland owners for placing a permanent agricultural easement on their property up to 75% of the appraised value of a farm’s development rights, with a max of $2,000 per acre. This is a competitive program open each January – March.
Ag Success Team
The mission of the Wayne County Ag Success Team is to secure Wayne County farms and farmland for future generations by serving as a covening resource that supports the many initiatives that sustain and add value to our agricultural community. Our goals are:
- Promote and strengthen the viability of farms by fostering a vibrant and diverse food and farm economy.
- Educate the public about the important role agriculture plays in our community.
- Support agricultural systems and production practices that leverage our natural resources while protecting the environment and health of the people who live here.
- Identify holistic approaches that help farmers and make farming an appealing and attainable way of life.
CLICK HERE to sign up for our Newsletter
Download our Farm Tools Brochure or email for any questions on any of these programs.
The Wayne County Planning Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Subdivision Regulations for the unincorporated areas of Wayne County. Variances, Major Allotments and Common Access Drive proposals are reviewed by the Wayne County Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meetings. FLOOD PLAIN REVIEW The Wayne County Planning Department is responsible for the enforcement of Floodplain Resolution for the unincorporated areas of Wayne County. ► CAP Exemption Statement for Floodplain Review COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT The Department works on a variety of projects at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, including Development Block Grants such as the Formula Allocation which includes, but is not limited to Fair Housing and Transportation, Community Housing Improvement Programs, and the Revolving Loan Fund. FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM For Fair Housing Questions: For City of Wooster: The Fair Housing Program provides information on tenant / landlord rights and responsibilities, a place to report cases of housing discrimination, information on requesting repairs, rights to support animals, and dealing with mold or bedbugs. Wayne County partners with Community Action Wayne/Medina and Community Legal Aid to support tenants and landlords. For Fair Housing questions in Wayne County outside of Wooster call: (330) 621-8038. Wooster residents call: (330) 263-5200 extension 300. For more information about Community Legal Aid, call (800) 998-9454 or go to Additional Information:
REVOLVING LOAN FUND Wayne County works with the Ohio office of Economic Development and the Wayne Economic Development Council financing loans to local businesses. The loans finance investments creating or retaining permanent jobs for low and moderate income residents. Loan payments from businesses are paid back to the fund and can be loaned out again for further economic development. OTHER RESOURCES ► Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has floodplain maps online and enables searches by an address for the applicable floodplain map. ► The Ohio EPA (OEPA) provides information on both water and sewage treatment facilities. ► The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) provides information on the communities with floodplain programs and their contact information. ► U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Regulations for waterways and wetlands as well as permit information for our area can be found at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website for the Huntington District Office. ► Web-based Underground Mine Locator – A web-based underground mine locator is available online. The underground mine locator will identify any known abandoned underground mine by street address or by interactive map. |
Planning Department Contacts: Jennifer Kiper, Director Brian Reilly, Economic & Community Coordinator Stephanie Featheringill, Land Use Planner |